23 Mar 2012
Sometimes it’s the simplest things that remind me why I love the classic unix tools. Here’s a quick way to fill in cookbook_versions for a chef environment using awk.
Of course, this is a ridiculously simple usage of awk. There’s plenty more that can be done with just a single line of awk.
15 Dec 2011
It seems in the chef community lately there’s a growing trend for
cookbooks to be kept in separate repos, or even separate branches in a
single repo. I wanted to share the script I used to split out the
community-cookbooks repo for Heavywater
I knew the general git commands I needed to use, but it did take a few
local trial runs to get it exactly as I wanted. To create the actual
repos on github I made use of the excellent
hub script.
While there’s definitely a more elegant way to do this, maybe you
can use this as a starting point should you need to do the same.
11 Dec 2011
There’s a thought provoking article by David Mitchell at
The Guardian site right now. It’s
relatively short and worth reading, and I say that even as someone who
isn’t all that interested in the NHS project that frames the article’s
opening paragraphs.
Mitchell makes two points that I found myself both agreeing with as a
developer and sysadmin, and leading me to further thought. First, from
David Mitchell
in I want to talk to you about the NHS…
Nothing sharpens the brain like a whetstone of tedium
In the context of our work tedium could be any number of things. For
some it’s documentation, labeling cables, seemingly minor manual
config changes made in production up or the ever present yak shaving
in some form or another. A drive to erase this boredom or tedium has
resulted in many of the excellent tools in use today, such as Chef,
Puppet, and other powerful automation software. Repeated slogging
through boring steps led someone to think “I can do this better”.
Of course, not all tedium is bad and needs to be eliminated. In
programming there’s no substitute for the hours of typing code in an
editor that improves your grasp of a language, the way repeated
physical exercise hones the body. The ability to focus for increasing
lengths of time on a given problem or task is a valuable skill. Ones
mental acuity, that ability to concentrate, focus and understand, can
be greatly improved with effort. These are valuable skills that
improve over time, accompanied by some percentage of tedium, the way
practicing scales may see to a new guitarist.
The second point Mitchell makes actually comes from Alex Hope,
co-author of the recent
Next Gen report:
{“ Coding is the new Latin “}. He is also quoted in a recent BBC
news article by
Rory Cellan-Jones
Computers are here to stay and yet for the most part many still view
them as “an imposition, a distraction, something stultifying that
dominates our lives but we somehow feel shouldn’t”. The way they are
explained and taught is a perhaps a direct outcome of this, sometimes
silently unacknowledged, viewpoint.

…even a rudimentary knowledge of Latin cuts down the labor and
pains of learning almost any other subject by at least 50 percent.
Code needs to be the common language to teach people about the world
we now live in. The perspective and understanding gained from learning
to solve even a simple problem using python or ruby can give people a
sense that these machines they now depend on are not so foreign or
unknowable. It certainly does more than teaching them how to SUM
numbers in a spreadsheet.
David Mitchell compared code as Latin for the assumed tedium, but I
think it can be done better. Everyone should be able to at least read
and understand the flow of some code.
One of the most intriguing things I’ve noticed about the devops
movement is the emphasis on a culture of inclusion and instruction.
This is one of the main reasons I enjoy being a part of it. Certainly
learning to code is not generally an issue with people who are either
in development or systems administration, but we need to continue to
be better at instilling our love for what we do and why we do it in
others. Not just within our culture or respective fields, but
In a healthy organization no one should be content to just “throw code
over the wall” or not think about how all the pieces fit
together. We’re certainly working to change that, but it can go
further. Everyone who touches computing resources in an organization
can have a basic understanding of ‘what makes it tick’. They may never
be driven to tinker and make changes on their own, but they can be
helped to see and appreciate the inner workings in a favorable light.
We shouldn’t be keepers of some ivory tower but instead mentors and
instructors, sharing excitement and understanding, the very thing we
should already possess and that brought us to the field we are in. I
believe teaching others to code and to understand code, even though
they may not choose to do so themselves, can have a significant impact
on their comfort level and enjoyment in working with the tools we use
01 Dec 2011
One topic frequently tossed around at the recent Opscode summit was a
re-org of the cookbooks repository. No more monolothic cookbooks repo
on github, instead replaced by single cookbook repos, making it much
easier to pull and contribute to a single cookbook.
@jtimberman will be leading this effort.
On a slightly unrelated note, it looks like @dysinger posted a handy little cleanup script:
30 Nov 2011
The first historic Opscode Community Summit is officially over. See
yesterdays post for a basic description of the event and structure.
After another brief introduction, topics were discussed, a schedule
arranged and the agenda was live. Topics for day two included:
Managed Nodes a.k.a external entities
Chef for big data projects, such as hadoop, cassandra and similar
Ticket/triage process
Network monitoring, it sucks
Feature roadmaps, both short and long term
There’s more, but I lost track due to poor note taking on my part.
By far the biggest announcement to come out of today was the fact that
Hosted Chef is moving from Ruby+NoSQL to Erlang+MySQL. For Opscode it
boils down to using the right tools for the job and after a hard look
at how Hosted Chef is being used it’s clear this change will be for
the better. Erlang brings a ton of cool benefits and I look forward to
hearing about their migration path from the current platform. Lots of
nice performance graphs accompanied this discussion, led by Chris
Brown and Kevin Smith from Opscode.
Sean Porter led a discussion about monitoring and the how the
community is using the myriad of tools available to us. Basically
monitoring is hard and has subtle challenges at scale in current
implementations. He showed off sensu and discussed ways for
possible collaboration with the community. I hope to dig in to this a
little more since I’ve been thinking about problems in around
monitoring, metrics and alerting for a little while lately.

Overall what I most enjoyed about the summit is the sense of community
that is clearly maturing around chef. With so many passionate people
and hard problems, there’s bound to be some neat things on the
horizon. It’ll be exciting to see what the next year holds in store
for Opscode and the chef community.
Check out further details on the individual sessions on the Opscode wiki